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ERP Purchasing Management Software

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Purchasing, Procurement, and Demand Planning Software Designed for Wholesale Distributors

Transform your purchasing Operations

Ximple Purchasing Management Software also known as Procurement Software, handles the purchase of raw or finished goods materials. The application takes the recording of a requisition, approval of the same, converting
the requisition to a purchase order (PO) and sending the approved PO to the Vendor, and following up till the material is received at the distribution center.

Ximple Purchasing Management Software includes demand planning functionalities. It handles the recording of forecasted demand and processing the forecast to plan for the availability of raw materials and capacity
planning to meet the forecast demand. The module processes three planning types, including Materials Requirements Planning, Min-Max planning, and Reorder Point Planning.

Purchasing Management Software Benefits for Wholesale Distribution Business

Meets the Wholesale Distribution Industry Requirements

Each Wholesale Distribution industry group and industry has its own unique needs from purchasing management software. For example, direct shipment, where the supplier ships the material directly to the customer, is a feature of the distribution industry. Complexities of the Supply Chain are different for each industry. The ERP Application must meet the industry supply chain requirements.

Can Support Company-specific Needs

The Purchasing and demand planning requirement for two companies in the same Wholesale Distribution industry could be different. Since the chain provides unique competitive advantages to the company, it must identify such critical requirements and ensure that the selected ERP satisfies the company-specific needs.

Scalability / Ease of Use

Purchasing and Demand planning complexity increases exponentially with business growth. So any ERP for Purchasing should be able to handle this complexity as the company grows.

Purchasing Management & Demand Planning Software Features

  • Demand Planning
  • Forecasting
  • Create vendors
  • Approve PO
  • Track PO amendments
  • Close PO
  • Budgetary tracking
  • Create purchase orders
  • Create purchase requisitions
  • Approve purchase requisitions
  • Create purchase agreements

Empower Users with Flexibility

  • Transfer between distribution centers, and primary or secondary warehouses depending on the type (unlimited type) when and whom to buy from. The system permits you to schedule your purchases by company, supplier, and product; depending on parameters. The revisions can be daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly.
  • Quantity based on estimated demand
  • Transfer of overstock returns due to overstock
  • Maximum discount of product and early pay
  • Tools for selecting the supplier
  • When or what volume, weight, or amount is included in the shipment to the supplier
  • Purchase price analysis: base price, purchase, market, LIFO, and FIFO

Optimize Purchasing

  • The system allows for order points to be set up at the company, product line, product line branch, and product and/or product branch levels.
  • Economic lot calculation (Economic Order Quantity, EOQ)
  • Safety stock
  • Service levels (Demand types 1, 2, and 3)
  • By issues (bills a/o client orders)
  • By profits
  • By inventory Costs
  • Unlimited indicators such as are required can be defined by the type
  • Gross margin return on investment

Deploy ERP on Cloud and On-Premise

Ximple ERP offers IMARK Customer Technologies for Growth.


Mobile First ERP

Do business anytime and anywhere to improve sales and reduce cost.


Easy ERP Integration

You pick a solution that suits your business as Ximple Cloud ERP will integrate other systems with ease.

Automate & Control   Processes

  • Ximple allows you to track your stock up to the second. As the stock gets committed to an order the quantity is reduced from the available quantity.
  • Users have the ability to view current stock quantity throughout the entire company and can commit quantity to order from any warehouse they have access to.
  • The system will automatically generate the transfer of this quantity to the warehouse the sales originated from.

Maximize Inventory turms with Demand Planning

The purchasing module makes it easy to know When and Whom to buy from. The system permits you to schedule your purchases by company, supplier, and product; depending on user-defined parameters.

Method of demand planning

  • Demand History and Lost Sales
  • Adjustment for seasonal items
  • Time lapsed from the item was ordered until it was received in the warehouse
  • Sales Normalization (Normal order quantity)

Our Next Generation ERP enables Wholesale Distribution to overcome challenges

  • The traditional Wholesale Distribution Business is at an inflection point. Advanced technology and digitization negatively impact the conventional Wholesale Distribution business’s foundations at the supplier level, competition level, and customer level. Digitization has enabled its suppliers (manufacturers) to sell directly to the end customers, bypassing the distributors and retailers. It has also enabled traditional B2C players to target B2B and vice versa. We help Wholesale distributors to overcome challenges due to digitalization and take advantage of B2-B and B2C eCommerce opportunities.
  • Digitization has also changed the nature of the competition. Online stores like Amazon have made many Wholesale Distributors redundant. Many ‘Internet Only’ distributors can offer better deals to the customers without any investment in physical warehouses.
  • Transparency in prices available through the internet has shrunk traditional margins. Besides, the information availability has also ensured the customers can identify ideal Distributors. The market has become very competitive.
  • The only way the business can thrive is by embracing digitization. The primary objective of the digitization strategy should be to reduce costs and improve efficiency. The other digitization strategy identifies new revenue models made available through digitization, e.g. value-added services.
  • Analysis of ERP information will help identify fast-moving products, product groups with high profitability, new customer groups, and changing trends of the existing customer groups. Our ERP can also help the Distributor to move into E-Commerce. Integration of E-Commerce with our ERP will ensure automation of Order Creation and the respective downstream transactions like available to promise, inventory planning, and procurement.
  • it creates and tracks Drop-shipment orders and automatically reconciles the transactions. By integrating with the customer data, ERP plans better, leading to improved inventory optimization, warehouse space utilization, and inventory turnover ratio.

Cloud-based ERP Vs. On-Premise ERP in Purchasing Management

In an On-Premise ERP, the Customer manages ERP Software and the technology infrastructure (Hardware). This level of control enables the Customer to customize the software to suit their unique Purchasing processes. This flexibility comes at the cost of managing the unfamiliar terrain of managing the IT infrastructure.

In a Cloud ERP, the ERP Vendor manages Cloud-based ERP, both software and hardware. The Customer can configure the ERP Software to meet their business requirements. There is limited flexibility in customizing the application to meet the unique business processes. In some cases, the Customer will need to modify their business processes to suit the operations supported by ERP.

The main benefits of Cloud ERP are reduction in cost and complexity of managing the IT Infrastructure. Irrespective of Cloud or On-premise ERP, the key is to understand the critical business requirements and ensure that the ERP system that you choose can quickly meet those requirements.


FAQ Icon FAQ: Purchasing and procurement ERP

What is ERP in purchasing?

ERP software consists of different business management modules. One of these modules is procurement or purchasing. ERP in purchasing refers to a software system that makes the procurement of products or services more efficient. It facilitates record-keeping in the entire procurement process to prevent fraud.

It streamlines operations, logistics, vendor relationships, supply chain, etc. An ERP purchasing system allows procurement officers to automate quote requests and record order data. They can also track purchase orders and keep a record of approved suppliers.

What are the steps in selecting purchasing ERP?

Every ERP software vendor believes they sell the most appropriate product. If you base your purchase decision on price alone, you might choose the wrong software. Besides price and convenience, focus on ERP features.

In the case of the purchasing module, you need features that fit your specific procurement process. In short, you should do these steps when choosing procurement ERP.

What are the features of ERP purchasing modules?

You will require the following ERP features or modules:

What are the ERP purchasing trends?

Did you know that how companies implement and use ERP is changing? According to IBM, there are three trends in which this is happening. They include:

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