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ERP Employee Management Software

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Each user of the system is set up individually and granted specific rights to the modules and menus contained therein. Using the Employee Management Software, employees have the ability to keep track of their own preferences, set up their password and their default Warehouse, as well as keep track of their time sheets and tasks.

The briefcase

A Briefcase is a powerful tool within Ximple; it’s the internal messaging system between the system and users as well as a file storage area. Each Customer, Vendor, and Employee has their own individual briefcase. The briefcase area is used to assign events that need to be completed for the selected entity or to store multimedia files. Events can be sent automatically by the system to an individual or be assigned by users of the system.

Employee briefcase to-do

The employee’s Briefcase To Do option is an option used by the individual employee to view the events that have been assigned to them and post updates to those events, closing them or setting up follow-up events as need be.

The benefits of having a briefcase to-do in employee management software are that it helps in Creating orders, Accountability, Rescheduling and organizing your time, and delegating.


Deploy ERP on Cloud and On-Premise

Ximple ERP offers IMARK Customer Technologies for Growth.


Mobile First ERP

Do business anytime and anywhere to improve sales and reduce cost.


Easy ERP Integration

You pick a solution that suits your business as Ximple Cloud ERP will integrate other systems with ease.

Employee report card

The employer has the ability to set up sales goals for each employee. The employees can track their progress at any point in time via the Employee Report Card and see if they have met the goals set for them or if they are falling behind.

Give your business the world’s most flexible platform

Feature 1


99.99% Cloud ERP uptime

Feature 2


Out of Box ERP Customization with Parameter and APIs/Micro services

Feature 3

Expert ERP Support

Expert Support by Industry expert with more than 10+ years experience

Fastest Payback

Fastest Payback

Fastest ERP Implementation and Payback. Average implementation done in less than 90 days. ROI in less than 9 months

Cloud-based ERP Vs. On-Premise ERP in Employee Management Software

In an On-Premise ERP, the Customer manages ERP Software and the technology infrastructure (Hardware). This level of control enables the Customer to customize the software to suit their unique Employee processes. This flexibility comes at the cost of managing the unfamiliar IT infrastructure terrain.

In a Cloud ERP, the ERP Vendor manages Cloud-based ERP, both software and hardware. The Customer can configure the ERP Software to meet their business requirements. There is limited flexibility in customizing the application to meet the unique business processes. In some cases, the Customer will need to modify their business processes to suit the operations supported by ERP.

The main benefits of Cloud ERP are reduction in cost and complexity of managing the IT Infrastructure. Irrespective of Cloud or On-premise ERP, the key is to understand the critical business requirements and ensure that the ERP system that you choose can quickly meet those requirements.

employee management system software

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