My story begins in Gujarat, India. Despite growing up in a country inhabited by, at the time, almost 700 million people, my world still seemed small. I mostly spent my childhood days in my local town where I would often be, almost archaically, attending classes with limited facilities, my secondary school education at an Indian military academy -among many other unique experiences. However, my days in the Indian countryside also taught me many things. Seeing the day-to-day struggles of the people around me, and experiencing the cutthroat, competitive environment they latter it instilled an intrinsic desire to bring positive change to the world. I hoped to one day lead innovation, transform society, and hopefully change the lives of the people around me. I brought these aspirations with me throughout the next chapter of my life in Bristol, England, where I pursued my master’s degree at the University of the West of England, then worked for many years in Canada and eventually in the United States.
Today I have a comfortable life with a loving wife and two beautiful kids. My experiences and the struggles I have seen others endure have, throughout my life, motivated me to one day give back. With Ximple Solutions, I hope to help build a platform to help driven individuals pursue their passions while avoiding the countless mistakes I made throughout my journey!
As a technologist and an avid blogger, I find myself in a rapidly changing world filled with many new business and technological challenges. These are challenges I hope to overcome to find solutions. With hard work, open-mindedness, discipline, and my commitment to helping others, I genuinely hope to revolutionize the global distribution, retail, and manufacturing sectors.